Hello! Just thought I'd give an update as if you've been looking at my social media, I seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Couple of reasons for this: firstly, a jar of Bisto Finest Onion Gravy Granules fell out of my kitchen cupboard and smashed my phone. I'm still waiting for a replacement to arrive. This is probably the most stupid way that I've ever broken anything before. The new phone will be kept safe and far away from any gravy granules.
Secondly, I have been using my phone-free time productively and have been working on some new bird designs. I'm hoping to have two or three new members of the flock all ready to go, for the end of the summer (not that it's been much of a summer here, looking out the window at the constant rain again).
Once I have my phone back, and the new birds are all ready for their close-ups, I'll post some teaser photos!